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Job Creation: Digital Services


We are an innovative startup that have built an extensive database of young bright minds and together with enablement tools such as access to the latest technology tools, our virtual youth application labs, we are able to build applications and web services for community based requirements as well retail, insurance and construction industry applications.  


Working with graduates residing in rural communities we are able to address even the most menial task of sorting, image scanning, data capturing and transforming them into correct, retrievable information, and delivering it into your business applications and databases


Digital Library Resource Centers    


Every citizen is entitled to literacy so we starting building Digital POP UPs to provides schools and communities with a  cloud based online library resource center, such as Global Grid for Learning (GGfL ) and ensures that teachers and students have seamless access to the digital content they need, when they need it for anywhere, anytime teaching and learning.


Our online services provide a safe and reliable way for teachers and students to search, stream and download high quality and copyright-cleared learning resources from trusted content providers. Our growing library of over two million digital multimedia resources makes it easier for teachers to engage, motivate and inspire media savvy students.

Got Game works closely with private companies and government institutions and we focus on youth enablement projects that empower the youth across Africa.  We work with partners in our ecosystem to address the needs of our people ranging from education, health and nutrition.

Outdoor Gyms


Outdoor Gyms addresses the problem of obesity. Studies show that obesity rates are rising rapidly in adults and children, whilst physical activity is on the decrease. Outdoor Gyms provide a solution to keeping fit for people who cannot afford commercial fitness centers, while keeping "green" by providing high quality outdoor gym equipment for parks, schools etc.


Community Feeding Tunnels

In partnership with Feed A Child and our teams we build hut-like structures swathed in plastic that serve as cocoons for growing strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, lettuce and bushels of other fruits and vegetables. The idea of tunnel farming is to shield the crops from the elements and trap the heat of the sun, extending the growing season and increasing production. Tunnel farming in our communities opens up an opportunity to grow vegetables by using less than 40 per cent water and managing required temperatures by capturing heat during winters.


This method overcomes the three main impediments that impact agricultural growth: chronic water shortages, low per square meter yield and low value of crops. The gardens can either be tended by the local community or in partnership with The Got-Game Initiative.


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