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Containerised solutions



One of the biggest challenges for Education, Health Services and Enterpise Development in Sub Saharan Africa is the availability of modern, robust

Infrastructure conduits capable of hosting services. This is especially true as you move away from City Centers into the peri rural and rural environments.


Got Game designs, manufactures and delivers customized cubes, known as POP UP's in the form of Digital Hubs, Restuarants, Clinics, Gym in Box and other interesting spaces imaginable.  Clients can choose off plan or have their very own creation brought to life.


Our roadmap currently includes offering young startups an opportunity to incubate their business in local townships by offering them high tech furnished spaces in marginalized communitiies  







Mini PoP UP Digital Hub


This 12 m (40ft) Relocatable Digital Library and Internet Hub created for a school where there was no traditional school library or telephone services available.  This unit was commissioned on site within two weeks to demonstrate local capabilities using local skills and expertise, however the units can be shipped fully equipped and operational from the factory floor.


This is split between an 18 seater library with the Internet Cafe equipped with 7Mbps Download speed, fitted internally with a tablet technology platform, LED Screens for video conferencing, CCTV, Online Digital Library with more than 3 million resources, Intel Education Software and a WeTheTeachers social media networking site to find and share learning materials like lesson plans and other instructional materials and educational resources.  The facility rental to third party trainers provides additional income opportunities for the school.  









Smart PoP Up Cafe


The popularity of PoP Up stores used to showcase major brands who open stores for a week or season in open lots are on the increase. Our 6 m (20ft) Relocatable PoP Up Cafe with wireless Hotspots allows young entrepreneurs to run a viable business almost instantaneously and immediately engage a broad range of customers to create a buzz and test the waters in the area they may want to permanently set up a business in without running the risk of losing out when contracted to lease agreements of traditional buildings


Township and rural communities are especially challenged when it comes to access to buildings that will allow Small enterprises the opportunity to create concept stores. Irrespective of which type of restuarant franchise you would like to create, we have the PoP UP store just for you.




Bicycle Project


South African hair care businesses in the form of Salons and barbershops in the formal and informal sector has seen tremendous growth in the last 10 years with new businesses mushrooming in every town. This growth according to a study,  has been aided by the development of a unique and innovative business approach that combines;


  • The provision of diverse hair styles, influenced by African immigrants and the mainstreaming of aspects of hip hop culture.

  • The use of business branding to enable the entrepreneurs to link their reputation to popular culture and target specific niches, for example specific football supporters, hip-hop music fans and African traditionalists.

  • The retail of hair, skin and beauty products which are otherwise only available through wholesalers.

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