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Enterprise Development & Socio Economic Development 


Making Enterprise Development (ED) and Socio Economic Development (SED) contributions can be the easiest way to boost your scorecard points in a short period. Thus, if year-end is coming up, an ideal opportunity is presenting itself to your company to fill your point's gap with an appropriate contribution.


Companies with a turnover of greater than R35m per annum are eligible for 15 Points for Enterprise Development / BBBEE.  The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) Codes of Good Practice provide an incentive to companies to invest in enterprise development, to drive the growth of the SME sector in South Africa.



What the Codes Say About Enterprise DevelopmentThe Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act of 2003, Section 9 states that (in a nutshell):

  • Generic companies that spend 3% of their net profit after tax (NPAT) may claim 15 points for their BEE scorecard.

  • QSE companies that spend 2% of their net profit after tax (NPAT) may claim 25 points for their BEE scorecard.

  • The objective of enterprise development is to grow sustainable business enterprises that will create jobs and grow the economy.

  • The beneficiaries of enterprise development should be companies that are at least 51% black-owned.

  • Both Generic and QSE companies can secure up to 20 points through procurement from BEE suppliers in the company’s supply chain.

  • A company will enjoy enhanced recognition for procurement from any BEE supplier that is also simultaneously one of its enterprise development beneficiaries. In these cases every rand spent equates to R1.20 worth of spend for procurement purposes.

Got Game is currently an exempted Micro Enterprise (EME) with a BEE Level of 3. We are 100% Black owned of which 50% in the hands of Black Youth. Companies can benefit on the Preferential Procurement element on their BBBEE scorecard by procuring from an EME, like Got Game.


Got Game can become any Company's Category A Enterprise Development Contributions and services from a Supplier in 1 and 2 above and being a recipient of enterprise development contributions from the Measured Entity, the recognizable B-BBEE Procurement Spend can be then be attributed to that Supplier shall be multiplied by a factor of 1.2


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